Are you an Exoscientist?

Unbound from the shackles of academia, the exoscientist knows that in a chain of hundreds of very likely truths, a single falsehood will irrevocably conceal information — so you yearn for what's outside the accepted paradigm, what did everyone miss? Your rapidly evolving self-constructed world-view is guided by curiosity over experience. If you see the world the same as last year your journey is a failure.

While the academic scientist makes slow and steady progress through tiny ant steps and looks up to people like Edison, the exoscientist looks to emulate Tesla by searching internally for the truth.

The exoscientist treats his intuition & ancient knowledge with equal respect as scientific findings, synthesizing it all into hypotheses which you then seek to confirm through experiments. This site offers an assortment of knowledge, in the hope that it will further your progress as an exoscientist.